Egregores, or Group Minds

Some people link the concept of a group-mind to the idea of an egregore. A kind of reality or consensus builds up and, even though other members are not present, people may act in accordance with that reality or belief system. It ties in with what happens in cults, workplaces and so on. Some cultures place importance on family and ancestors, and believe that current family members may be strongly influenced by traumas or actions of predecessors, or can be possessed by them, or by other forces. There is also a term 'overshadowing', where one seems to write or do something from out of nowhere, as if influenced by something 'other'. And many people have experienced a kind of telepathy with a person they are close to, simply knowing when something is wrong in their life.

You may or may not believe in Souls, but it is of vital importance to protect your boundaries, and not get caught up in what others are up to, who may have a trick up their sleeve and know how to manipulate others, for good or ill. Some sensitivities or traits do seem to be hereditary, and we can only do our best to make sense of them. If you have had a family member who suddenly behaves differently, or can no longer manage certain tasks, it can seem as though they somehow use your circuits for getting by. Similarly, you may share office space with someone who, through no fault of their own, has mood swings or is just not functioning well. Try to get some time and space for yourself. Some people may have insight into what is wrong with them, and others not.

Where Do Aliens Come Into This?

Maybe they don't, or maybe we don't know how they could do. Elsewhere I refer to a TV programme called Ancient Aliens, which claims that 'ancient astronaut theorists' hypothesise various interventions regarding human nature and destiny. Usually I list books neatly to show where or how I came to think certain lines of enquiry useful. Scroll to the bottom of the page for names of some authors who have delved into these areas. There is so much of it, and everyone has their own take on things that we cannot prove, and may be off-the-wall. Some alleged contactees or experiencers may come across as being good fantasists, or likely to be 'histrionic', but we don't know that is always the situation.

Two things are of interest:

1) A number of academics and researchers coming from various standpoints have got together to present a strange scenario which may have relevance for us today, with roots in very distant time & space;

2) Many and varied groups or cults feel they were contacted, or are being influenced, by peoples with knowledge or experience of different worlds and beings.

This is diving into the deep-end, and I would rather not get too involved in waffling over something not really my subject. I think we could do with considering likely implications, because clearly not everyone's experiences or beliefs coincide. My point is that some knowledgeable and astute people have come to the conclusion that there are other types of being, who may be in conflict with us or with each other. More importantly perhaps, large numbers of ordinary people have beliefs on these issues that substantially affect individual and group behaviour. How do we handle that? Might others, for reasons of their own, take pride in manipulating the beliefs, and thereby the actions of others, or by confusing or denigrating them? One way of feeling power, but it is devastating for the victims and people around them, that's for sure.

A book on egregores worth looking up is:

Crime, Cults, Influence

Recently I came across 'Ancient Aliens' on TV, watching with half-attention. But then it got into how various cult leaders based their activities on ideas of influence from other beings or realms. Whether or not that could have happened, a lot of people became influenced one way or another. A prime example would be Heaven's Gate, see more at A number of cult founders claim to have had contact with other types of Being and to have received instruction from them. Who is to say that it cannot happen? But might it be for the sole benefit or power of something we do not understand, an agenda that harms those sucked in?

When it comes to certain crimes, or what most people regard as cruel or senseless behaviour, it can be much the same: acting on a belief or fantasy, or maybe actual experience. Some people naturally hear voices or see visions. Some serial killers use a defence that they were instructed or compelled to commit atrocities by something outside of themselves. They could be pathological, deluded, ill, evil, obsessed, or anything, but it would be facile to assume it is all a con trick, and that we cannot be influenced by forces that the majority of us do not see or hear. See Full Circle post at


A theory I feel worth looking into refers to our endocrine system, which some esoteric writers link to chakras. If it is somehow possible to activate a part of someone's system, or deactivate rational thinking, one can indeed induce very base behaviour. It happens in groups and crowds. Of interest to me, is when an individual, couple or small group, get started on a course of action that seems to take on a life and impetus of its own. Nothing stops the escalation, and only some participants may ever realise what they took part in.

More at 'What About Secret Societies?'

Also see the post on Exopolitics at

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