What About Secret Societies?

There are some excellent books and resources you can look out for. The subject comes in here because a lot of people do belong to some group or faction, perhaps giving up some of their personal freedom for something larger, that they hope will be supportive through thick & thin. It is of interest to lots of people interested in cults or secret societies and what makes them tick, how people get drawn in or stay in them, how individual behaviour may alter, and so on.

People's views on Freemasonry, as an example, are likely to vary according to others in their family group, or town maybe. They provide funds towards various charitable causes, and some people belong largely because of that, or through people they know. It could be useful for extra contacts for their business, or they think there will be a safety-net for their close family if something goes wrong. So far, so good, no harm done.

Some writers question the real belief system, or possible purposes, behind the organisation, and how much power they may be able to wield in certain decision-making, the law, and so on. Members at the bottom end of the scale may never be aware of what goes on in the higher tiers, and it is not really relevant to them. Some people give accounts alleging that things happened in their lives when they somehow came up against myriad problems during conflict between themselves or their plans, with someone or something in the organisation, as though there were a concerted effort at thwarting them.

Some organisations like Freemasonry, or certain cults or groups, seem to behave as if they are inviolate, as if they know things that the rest of us don't have access to, that they and their ilk will be protected in the event of some disaster, while everyone else goes to the wall. That could be a cosy thought though; you could get away with anything? But what if some individuals in a secret clan somewhere, are proactive in making things worse for people who simply disagree with them, or who plan some course of action that would get in their hair, financially or politically?

If there are ancient truths or knowledge that would give certain people an edge over their peers, it is likely to be diverse, to favour certain types of people or activity, and to be antagonistic to others. More often, it may change according to how things seem to be panning out - for them and them alone. This is an opportunistic scenario, and a selfish one. They will use (or perhaps abuse) anything and anyone they can. Of course, it could be practical, and ethically based. We should not knock everything we do not understand or seem not to be included in, after all! Some writers refer to so-called UR Lodges as a possible means of controlling World events via extensive collaboration, both behind the scenes, and that no-one would be likely to believe. Check out 'The Occult & Subversive Movements' by Kerry Bolton; also Cara St Louis' ideas on dumbing down and social engineering. More authors are listed at the bottom of the page in End Times and Exopolitics.

To hark back to those putative Ancient Aliens, some writers put forward a good case that, while at times enhancing Man's knowledge and capabilities, there are occasions when huge spanners are flung in the works, populations definitely not favoured or terribly disadvantaged, books burned, or people sacrificed to the 'gods', or perhaps for some vital 'cause'. So I do think we need to be wary of what may be done, apparently for good reason or for some ideology. That may be the intention, but a little research into double standards and propaganda, should make us wonder if the agenda is very much aboutface and duplicitous.

It is all very well to get misty-eyed about past great civilisations and cultures, or bemoan the loss of fantastic scenarios or leaders, but I would not be happy to embrace some of the elitist practices that put many people at the bottom of the heap, or sacrificed them in some pit to be unearthed thousands of years down the line, or not. Would you? Another point that seems crucial, when admiring the technological prowess or pomp & splendour of bygone ages, wherever these folks originated, is how much they were driven, not only by survival needs, but more insanely by territorial or political ideologies. Or was some of it for very personal jealousies and vengeance, far worse than ours. Do we necessarily revere their 'success'?

As I said, You Pays Your Money & Takes Your Choice -  if you can. For some people who experience a form of alien contact or abduction, it is an interesting or spiritual encounter. Others are damaged beyond repair, which could be a natural phenomenon that we cannot handle. Before diving into the middle of a crop circle, you could bear in mind that they can be uplifting, or not so good for human health and well-being.

Jump to https://groupsandminds.blogspot.com/2019/03/blog-post_50.html
including Where Do Aliens Come into This?

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Towards the end of this page is a list of some authors on conspiracies and breakaway civilisations, take your pick. Also see authors on Exopolitics right at the bottom.

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