Exopolitics & What-Have-You's

Short definition: Political implications of extraterrestrial life.

More details at www.exopaedia.org/Exopolitics

Bear with me while I list a few more authors and researchers. They are out of my league, but others find them useful and you may too. Although some writers on End Times etc. are convincing, it looks as though ordinary Earth folks will have choices, and a big part to play in how the future pans out:

Michael Salla (new book 21 May 2019);
Paola Leopizzi Harris, Clifford Stone, Derek P Gilbert, Josh Peck, Alfred Lambremont Webre, Len Kasten, Ed Komarek, William Henry, Mike Bara, Brinsley Le Poer Trench, Jacques Bergier, Miguel Mendonca, Barbara Lamb, Mary Rodwell, Mary Barr, Marcia Moore, Helen Wambach, Barbara Bartholic, Yvonne R Smith, Michael Newton, Ed Dames, Ingo Swann, Colin Andrews, Timothy Good, Stanton Friedman, Richard Leviton, B R Taylor, Geoffrey Barborka, Samael Aun Weor, Meade Layne, Mike Dash, Colin Wilson, Adam Crabtree, Sheila Ostrander & Lynn Schroeder, Stan Gooch, Morten Tolboll, Mark Stavish, Leo Zagami, William Tompkins, Robert M Wood,

For those who can watch YouTube (otherwise search for websites/blogs, or pick up from what others say):

CW Chanter; 
OffPlanet Radio: Randy Maugans,
Dark Journalist: Daniel Liszt, 
Coast to Coast: George Noory, 
Reality Check: J Weidner & Groovie B,
Dr David E Martin, www.youtube.com/user/walesy6161

Some names have been moved from the End Times list above at https://groupsandminds.blogspot.com/2019/03/blog-post_14.html  Some are included in case you have not come across them. Some are straight researchers who go beyond, or are psychics, ditto, some are psychologists who explored other modes of functioning. What is 'reality' to one person is not that for everyone. Certain experiences or practices may open up other 'realities', whether that be apparent reincarnation recall, visions, or experiences of other beings and realms. 

Black Hats/White Hats

Check out Selected by Extraterrestrials by William (Bill) Tompkins. There is much technical material, but for anyone interested in how long UFOs have been around (further back than Roswell), and unusual office dynamics, dip in and see what you think! I won't spoil your fun, except to say that long before computers got into ordinary businesses, I worked for engineering companies, fascinated by how things - and people - tick. For sure, I'd not have coped with not knowing if all my workmates were really human, and manipulating behind the scenes. Or even able to present themselves as White Hat aliens, while being very much the opposite. Could this also apply to Politics? Would we know?

Some psychics can be very reliable, which does not mean one takes all they come up with at face value. And all of us can be used.  Some key individuals may have been subjected to conditioning processes that mean they may not remember clearly, or be fully responsible. For instance, it appears possible to confuse people's memories by inserting screen events, or to interfere with timelines, effectively screwing their records, or simply wiping large chunks. Crimes against the person? Put me down for Yes, they are. For some reason/s, down the Ages we on Earth have been of much interest to Beings from elsewhere, apart from or in conjunction with manipulators in our own system. It is possible that genetic alterations or hybridisation have been taking place. What is being altered and why? If we Humans are so important to Others, should we not wonder, and have a proper say in any 'treaties' involving us, or have an opt-out? Maybe we just need to say so, but it should be based on good information, and not manipulations of which there are many, and in conflict with each other. 

You Pays your Money & Takes your Choice. You should be able to amend that choice when better information is available, or you revise your decision. If aspects or names jar on you, look for those that suit your own experience. Please be careful in whom you place your trust - wherever they are from (or claim to be). A lot may depend on it, not just for you and those close to you. More authors are in the previous post on End Times. If a name is not included, it is not meant to exclude their work or value. Some possibly allied subjects are also not touched on here.

To check whether some well-known names have been called into question, type their name followed by Debunked or Hoax into Google, and see what comes up. It's hard to sort out who is genuine, deluded-or-deluding. #FollowtheMoney is often a clue, but people can be damaged or used in other ways. We don't suss all of it straight off: it can be small things over a long period, so don't knock yourself. Often, controversies build up over someone setting themselves up as knowing things. Some do, and probably most don't, although some good researchers believe in them anyway. You? You have a choice.

Channelled information may be interesting or even useful, but can be like a game of Bagatelle. I suspect anything that puts people down (or is overly kowtowing), when communicators treat it like a Game Plan that we need to comply with. Our bewilderment is a cause for their hilarity or kudos: How spiritual is that? Please read the end Footnote on fake ET's on Twitter.


The relevance of material to cults and secret societies seems to be that:

(a) They are secretive;

(b) They pick up certain practices from esoteric literature, or word of mouth, or sexual behaviour, and utilise it to further their own ends, regardless/because of the damage they do to vulnerable people, including children;

(c) It becomes addictive, somehow necessary, for their self-fulfilling prophecies to grow;

(d) Other people or entities can be influential behind the scenes;

(e) A controlling relationship with just one person can have devastating consequences, even for someone who usually stands up for themselves - almost as if there was no 'out' from the start.

Where Do We Stand?

Before we go thinking it'd be a great idea to welcome or entice the Old Gods back, or to somehow link with other forces with unknown strength or potential, maybe it is worth our while to do some checking. People may have been thrown in at the deep end, and can benefit from belated digging into the background. Times change fast, but there is a recurrence of a theme from the 1980s in The Dark Gods by Anthony Roberts & Geoff Gilbertson, now at an exorbitant price. See also books by Toyne Newton or Andrew Collins. It seems that attempts have been made to corrupt or block Earth's healthy energy systems.

Next you could look up two books by Richard Leviton outlining approaches to counteracting corruptive methods. Naturally we don't all see things the same way, or have similar capabilities. As long as people can see the broad principles, they can find how they would fit in and do something. Whether or not helpful, malevolent, or vastly different Beings are involved with our Earth or our lives (perhaps they have been all along, or are making a Grand Play now) may be mindboggling, or pass most of us over. At some point it seems worth more than a sideways glance, just to know where we stand. If so-called treaties have been or may be made, between extraterrestrials and powerful individuals or groups on Earth, what would be the reasons, or the desired outcomes?

We Humans seem to have enough problems accepting each other. What are the dynamics likely to be if, not just one other type of Being but many diverse ones, are vying or warring over us, trying to impose their choices on Us? 

What do they really want, and why Us? We must have some intrinsic value, one that it is necessary for them to eradicate, or incorporate for their own progress or Plan?

Intervention or Interference?

If some intervention occurred during our evolution, does that mean we have no choices or freewill now? Does that make some of it a Human Rights issue? Some writers suggest that intervention is subject to universal Laws concerning interference beyond certain limits. I think the Jury is out on that one - until we know what our part is likely to be.

Sometimes I come across a book or an article that seems to show masses of hard work plus profound thinking: I may pass on links etc. I have just ploughed halfway through one, only to find it a prime example of massive doublethink or doublebind, mostly based on stuff I discarded 20 years ago. Some things I do go back to but not this time! No-one needs to get sucked in to someone else's delusions, even though they may seem well intentioned. If they claim to be someone special, why do they have to? Or to imply that you have no Path of your own?

Protect Your Soul. (There's a Latin way of saying that, but you get my drift.)

Another time I waded through a book series and realised the authors were being challenged. They replied weakly that some of it may not be provable, but allegories can be the best way to get people to understand. No, I did not, but then I never grasped fairy tales or historical dramas, which does not mean they are not meaningful.

As well as #FollowtheMoney, try to #SeeWhoTheyMixWith. Players have often fallen out with those they did mix with, leaving other configurations to get together and #Put-on-a-Show. Some Shows are worth a watch. What is not worth doing is getting involved in the personal infighting doing the rounds, some of which gets awful close to Police involvement, or to possible private legal action.

To see the full post Do People Have Souls? go to https://notincharacter.blogspot.com/2019/01/blog-post_81.html

Footnote: Some authors listed go back a number of years, which developed during writing, and I've since done further checking round. There are many controversies. Some researchers admit to making mistakes, or 'backing the wrong horse', but see what you think. 

Did you know there are now purported extraterrestrials with Twitter profiles, spouting out to all-and-sundry? How do Twitter, Facebook, anyone, check those out! Of concern to me are some of the imagery or animated Gifs. Someone in realtime is spending mega-hours in preparation. I wonder what one gets paid or what the perks are for claiming to be ET, and the reasons behind it all. More allegories or metaphors maybe. Memes. (I feel more optimistic having found that a major 'planetary' Player has mostly fake followers, i.e. done via the usual route of getting them.)

'Never try to prove anything.
Then you'll stay safe.'

Hal Puthoff

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